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Drawing and sketching before starting a jade carving or pendant

The Idea

The idea is the birth place of my work, where nothing could potentially become something. Where ideas swim together in my imagination.


A path forward is envisioned, mixed with trials and triumphs. 

How can I complete this piece, will my patience be tested to it's limit, which stone will i use, is it possible with what i know?

Drawn or sculpted in clay, an idea slowly becomes tangible. A suitable stone is chosen, potentially for its colour, quality, or carve-ability.

The pathway to the finished carving begins.

Making a clay model before starting a jade carving

A clay maquette is the foundation for this jade sculpture. Titled "Whats the rush". The tortoise, and the snail(on his shell) represent my need to slow down in life and be present.

The jade turtle shell and the original inspiration

This turtle shell with a tooth hole in it's shell was found on a beach in B.C.

Nature provided the idea for this sculpture.

A small sketch of a jade syringe and the completed project

Social media inspired this idea. "Hooked on dopamine" .

A simple sketch with pad a paper was all that was needed. Many possible stone combinations were consider, but eventually stone and steel won.

brainstorming ideas for a jade project

Preliminary sketches for a large sculpture of the human brain.

An idea, pad and paper will lead to the sculpting of a 44lb block of BC jade for this project.

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